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江波龍電子 ? 2022-06-13 10:08 ? 次閱讀
















那么小林尊參加這次比賽的總成績是如何呢?你不會相信的,他吃了 50 個面包熱狗,對, 50 個!這幾乎是之前記錄的兩倍,也就是在比賽的12分鐘里,每分鐘要吃超過4個面包熱狗。第二年,小林尊再次贏得比賽,以及之后的四年,他都贏得了冠軍。在他贏得比賽的期間,他把記錄推高到53個又3/4個面包熱狗。過去,從沒有一個人可以連續(xù)三次贏得冠軍,更不用說連續(xù)六次了。






小林尊做的另一件事是: 拒絕接受極限。他質(zhì)疑那些參加這種大胃王競賽的人普遍接受的極限。例如,當他開始訓練時,他拒絕接受25個又1/8個面包熱狗是人體的極限。他認為,現(xiàn)在的那些記錄毫無意義,因為以前的競爭對手可能沒有進行過科學訓練。他認為大多數(shù)參賽者誤解了比賽的挑戰(zhàn),他則專注于如何使吞咽更多的面包熱狗變得更容易。





這種障礙往往是人為的,小林尊在連續(xù)贏了六年之后,被美國大胃王喬伊「嚼」切斯納超越的事實就證明了這一點。切斯納后來繼續(xù)贏得七連勝,超過了小林尊的六連勝紀錄。栗子在短短 10 分鐘內(nèi)吃掉了 69 個 面包熱狗 (為了安全起見2008 年比賽縮短了 2 分鐘)。某些小林尊的競爭者也模仿小林某些作法,他們?nèi)及l(fā)現(xiàn),吃下40,50份面包熱狗曾被視為不可能做到的事情,但顯然不是。




Everything has a Winning Strategy

For almost anything that you have a strong desire for, you will find a way to get it.

We call a person who can consume much food at one time a big eater. In Japan, there is a famous big eater called Kobi (His real name is Takeru Kobayashi). But you wouldn’t know that Kobi was a big eater just from his picture. He had a slight build and is only five foot eight. However, he must have a strong stomach. When he was a child, he always cleaned his plate and sometimes cleaned his sisters’ plates too.

In the autumn of 2000, Kobi was a student studying economics at Yokkaichi University. He lived with his girlfriend. Both them came from poor families. They had been behind on their house rent and they lit candles in the apartment since they could not afford to pay the electricity bill for a while.

Kobi’s girlfriend heard that there was a televised eating competition and that the winner of the contest could pocket US$5,000. Knowing the talent for eating that Kobi had, she sent a postcard to sign him up without telling him.

Upon finding out that he had been entered into the contest, Kobi reluctantly agreed to participate. At his university, Kobi had been learning about game theory. He knew that if he wanted to win the game he would need a winning strategy. So he watched the televised eating contest and found that most contestants ate too fast and too much in the early rounds, As such, their stomachs couldn’t take in any more in the last rounds. For the contest, there were four stages. Kobi’s strategy was to get to the next stage without eating more than was necessary. Through this way, he could reserve space in his stomach for the last stage. This strategy is similar to the strategy that the Oakland Athletics used in the movie Moneyball. They didn’t pursue the best batting average for players but rather focused on getting multiple players on base.

After winning, Kobi went on to make more money from Japanese eating contests. However, he desired to go on to become a professional eating contestant. He set his sights on the internationally famous Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest that is held annually on July 4th in New York City. This particular contest is kind of the “Super Bowl” of eating competitions. It has been held for over four decades at Coney Island and attracts more than one million viewers on ESPN.

The rules are very simple for this contest. Contestants try to eat as many hot dogs and buns (called HBD’s) as they can in 12 minutes. Contestants may add condiments and drink beverages to help them swallow the HBD’s. All kinds of beverages or condiments are allowed without any quantity limitation. When the final bell rings, any HBD or portion thereof that is in the contestant’s mouth is added to the contestant’s total count. However, these HBD’s or portions thereof that were in a contestant’s mouth must be subsequently swallowed. If a contestant spits any out, he or she is disqualified. Such a situation is called a “reversal of fortune.”

Kobi decided to attend the 2001 Nathan’s contest. The existing record at that time was 25 and 1/8 HBDs in 12 minutes.

So what was Kobi’s total for this contest? You won’t believe it. He ate 50 HBDs. Fifty! That was almost twice the previous record, and represented more than four HBDs (hot dogs and buns) per minute for 12 straight minutes. The following year, Kobi won the competition again, as well as the next four years after that. During his reign, he pushed the record up to 53? HDB’s. In the past, no champion had ever won more than three times in a row, much less six times in a row.

Initially, Kobi’s performance was doubted. Some rivals suspected that he had cheated. For example, perhaps he took some kind of muscle relaxant or some kind of substance to suppress the gag reflex. He was also rumored to have swallowed stones to expand his stomach. A few speculated that Japanese doctors had surgically implanted a second esophagus or stomach in Kobi to help him win.

However, most of these rumors were far-fetched. It seems more plausible that he really consumed so much so quickly than any of those rumor scenarios. Yet why was Kobi’s ability so much higher than that of the other contestants?

Kobi had observed that most of the contestants used a similar strategy, which wasn’t really much of a strategy at all. Their strategy was like a sped-up version of how the typical person eats a hot dog: cram one end of the hot dog into the mouth, chew and swallow, then repeat this process until the hot dog is consumed, possibly pausing to take a drink to wash things down. But Kobi wondered if perhaps there was a better way to consume hot dogs that could help him win. And after thinking about it and practising, he came up with his own strategy, a real strategy, to win.

One secret to Kobi’s strategy was to redefine the contest. Kobi regarded the contest as a serious exercise or sport, instead of as a game. And once the eating contest has been defined as such, it requires intense physical and mental training, just like any sport, as well as a well-thought out strategy. Moreover, Kobi’s approach was different from that of his competitors. Where his competitors asked “How can I eat more hot dogs?” Kobi asked “How can I make hot dogs easier to eat?”

Kobi conducted experiments and collected data. He isolated himself and practiced methodically. He spent several months trying various ways to make his stomach able to contain more food. He recorded the data from all his practices, such that he could evaluate it to improve the effectiveness of his eating technique, as well as conquer the urge to vomit from overeating. Such concentrated practice and analysis are tedious activities. However, they are necessary if one wants to be the best.

Another thing that Kobi did was to question the generally-accepted limitations for those participating in such eating contests. For example, when he began his training, he refused to accept that 25? HDB’s was anywhere near the maximum that was possible. He considered that the existing record was rather meaningless since prior competitors had likely not trained scientifically. He figured that most competitors misunderstood the challenges of the contest. He focused on how he could make it easier to swallow more HBD’s.

“It is the brain, not the heart or lungs, that is the critical organ,” said the esteemed neurologist Roger Bannister who is best known as the first human to run the mile in less than four minutes after redefining the problem and believing that he could set a new record.

Everyone faces barriers—be they physical, financial, temporal or what have you. Some of the barriers are unquestionably significant or real. But other barriers are unnecessarily erected by humans. People often form expectations about how well a given system can function, or how much it can change without any real proof or analysis. Such unsupported expectations create artificial barriers that limit our imagination and obstruct our creativity. We should ignore them.

Solving a problem is hard enough on its own and only gets harder if we unnecessarily limit our expectations for the ways that it could be solved. If one doubts the negative power of artificial limits, consider the following. If you made it your goal to run five kilometers, you’d probably find yourself getting pretty tired after about three kilometers. However, if you set your goal at ten kilometers, you might not get tired until five or six kilometers in, well past the point that you would have gotten tired had your distance goal only been five kilometers.

Another thing that Kobi teaches us is that almost any performance can be improved with training, regardless of natural ability. By and large, Kobi’s outstanding eating performance was not the result of natural ability. Rather, it was the result of methodological training and insightful innovation.

That barriers are often artificial is evidenced by the fact that Kobi was overtaken by the American eater Joey “Jaws” Chestnut after six years of dominance by Kobi. And Chestnut went on to win seven straight contests, surpassing Kobi’s record of six. Chestnut chucked down 69 HDB’s in just 10 minutes (the contest had been shortened by two minutes in 2008, likey for safety.) Some of Kobayashi’s rivals have copied certain strategies of his. All of them gained from the knowledge that 40 or 50 HDB, once considered a fantasy, plainly isn’t.


No matter what problem you are trying to solve, you should spend your time and effort to really understand the problem before you put in the effort. Some things may be simpler than they at first appear, and other things may be more complicated. And by analysing the problem, you’ll get to a better solution without so much trial and error. Defining the problem based on analysis is absolutely the first step for solving problems. If you can define the problem well, you are already halfway down the road towards an effective solution.

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